Wednesday, 14 November 2012

APRS Gorantla Agenda

Hello Brothers,
Welcome to our APRS Family.I am wishing each and everyone a happy prosperous Diwali.. Thanks for your valuable comments in the first blog.

Here i am going to discuss the agenda to be discussed at school on Friday. We got so many suggestions from our brothers here.. Let me discuss all possibilities one by one here.

1.Connecting Through Letters :-   In this approach we have to send some letters to their addresses describing about this association. As there are so many people to do not aware of these social networks. It will be possible as we planned to send letters from our little brothers from school and to be asked to send reply back with contact details or asked to contact respective persons... Lets hope responses from them.

2.Contacting Through Mobiles :-  Yes its too very possible way. For this we need few people from each batch who has to inform their mates through this media. Hope everyone will come forward and to help us here. Please ever to talk any of our brothers please inform once about the same.. Hope everyone will come forward..


3.Social Networks Awareness :-  As you know its easiest and effective way of communication nowadays. But still so many people are not aware of this media and how to use it... So we need bring this awareness in all our friends so that it will be very easy to brought all together virtually. Please have word about this media whenever you come across these kind of our people. Please ask them to create an account in facebook or in google and to join in our community. So please help us here.

4.Meeting In Respective Places :-  As Ravi suggested its also very possible to way to meet in respective places and have word about possibilities.. For this its everyone responsibility to take it forward. Please start it as soon as possible and let us have update here..

      @ All , please suggest the ways here. I am expecting all the possible ways here.. Keep posting here please.

Don't forget to leave a comment here please !

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